Seawall Repair Considerations

Seawall Repair Considerations

25 June 2020
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

For homes that are located near the ocean or other large bodies of water, it may be necessary to have a seawall erected. A seawall can be an extremely effective upgrade that reduces the risk of the property suffering damage from the waves or rising water. However, the seawall can also suffer fairly serious damages that can impair its stability. These damages will have to be repaired promptly to keep the seawall safe.


Cracking is easily among the most common damages that a seawall will experience. When cracks form, they can allow water to force itself into this small space. Over time, this pressure can lead to the actual size of the crack increasing in size. In fact, this can lead to sections of the seawall break off and falling into the water. Patching these cracks will be necessary to prevent the worst of these complications from developing.

Shifting Of The Wall

A seawall will be an extremely heavy structure, and the soil near a body of water will often be extremely soft. This can lead to the seawall shifting positions as it settles over the years. If this happens, you may notice that the seawall can start to develop a tilt that could eventually become bad enough to damage the wall. A seawall repair service will be able to brace the wall so that this tilt is corrected, restoring it to its original position.

Soil Displacement

Most seawalls will be designed so that the soil near the wall will act to help to support it. If this soil washes away, it can lead to the wall being at a risk of collapsing. If you notice that the soil behind the wall is starting to wash away so that a gap forms between the wall and the rest of the soil, you should address the underlying cause of the erosion while also supplementing the soil so that the wall will have sufficient bracing and support.

Erosion Of The Seawall Itself

The action of the waves striking the seawall can actually erode the stones that were used when in the construction of the wall. Unfortunately, there may be no way to avoid this type of wear and tear. As a result, you may need to have sections of the seawall rebuilt or replaced after many years. Luckily, modern materials and construction techniques can allow seawalls to last for up to a couple of decades before they will need to have sections rebuilt.